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Do you know this dude? He's one tough little boy.

That's right.

And he has one tough Momma.

And a horse named Whippersnacker ... SNACKER! Not snapper.

You better get the names right. Or else!

The End.

What Do YOU Do With Ocean Water?

1st trip to the ocean for water ...

56th trip to the ocean for water ...

1,212th trip to the ocean for water ... you see who Cade has working for him. By this trip, Cade has placed all manual labor upon his employee and is now in a strictly supervisory role.

What do we do with the water once we drag it back to the chairs 1.5 miles away from the ocean? Why we dump it out of course! What would you do with it?

I Think These Two Might Be Related ...

Cade's Beach Video

Hope you all enjoy!

Myrtle Beach

Cade's favorite questions this week:
"Wanna go to the beach? Huh, Daddy? Wanna go to the beach?"

"Wanna play in the ocean?"

And Momma and Daddy's thoughts about the beach ...
Was there ever a time that we went to the beach and SAT DOWN? There was??? You're sure? We're having a hard time remembering.

By the way, Cade's definition of eating seafood is eating a bowl of goldfish crackers.

Zion Canyon Utah and The North Rim of the Grand Canyon

Zion Canyon, Utah, by far Kristen's favorite place. It is amazing!

Words nor pictures can give it justice. Ya just need to go see it!

This made Channing's Day/Week/2 Weeks...... A bull elk in velvet. Cade thought it was pretty cool too, Kristen didn't care.

Taking a well needed break from all the walking...

Someone had all the walking he could handle.

North Rim of the Grand Canyon...

The Lodge at the North Rim.

Our last view of the Grand Canyon...