Canyon Lands, The Arches & Bryce Canyon UT

We know, we know, this is from Monday but ... here it is, Canyon Lands, UT.

It was freezing but everyone's still happy!

See? Snug as a bug in a rug!

We decided that Canyon Lands was aptly named.

Cade's flyin high!

Last but not least on Monday .... we have our fashion victim of the week! It's the next contestant on What Not to Wear - Extreme Edition. We love you Nanny! (Not sure about the clothes though).

Tuesday - The Arches

Very pretty.

Wednesday - Bryce Canyon. It's one of our favorites so far because it's so different. It looks like huge sand drip castles.

Cade was trying to figure out what his Daddy was up to.

And of course this is my FAVORITE picture of the week. Just look as his cute little face. Don't you just want to kiss him?

Good night from Bryce Canyon Utah!